A!R Opening with Emma Kohlmann | A Chained Heart to a Star
- 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Friday December 13, 2024
- Lobby | Ace Hotel Kyoto
- Free
We’re excited to welcome Emma Kohlmann as our second Artist in Residence (A!R) at Ace Kyoto. On her inaugural visit to the city, Kohlmann will adorn our gallery walls with expansive watercolors inspired by Kyoto’s hues and essence. Using magnets to mount her work, the mural will transform daily, offering an evolving, immersive reflection of Kyoto. Join us for the Opening Reception on December 13, from 18:00 to 20:00, in the Lobby Gallery.
Emma Kohlmann is a Massachusetts-based watercolorist, painter and zine-maker. Driven by an intuitive sensibility and an eagerness to learn, her work draws on an array of influences, from Greek and Roman mythology to folk art. By interpreting the past through the lens of the contemporary, she infuses her lush canvases and paper works with an optimistic sense of wonder.
commune brings the underground above ground. The Tokyo-based gallery, book shop and publisher is small and deliberate in what they do, running pop-ups, exhibiting at international book fairs and putting on exhibits guided by diversity, community and DIY ethics. Their curatorial concept for the residency is all about curiosity and a conviction that good art is key to a good life.
Ace Artist in Residence program, curated in partnership with collectives and institutions that inspire us, provides time to think and space to create. Every quarter, we invite artists across the globe to turn one of our hotel rooms into their studio for a month, then showcase the resulting body of work with the Ace community.
エースホテル京都では、第2回アーティスト・イン・レジデンス (A!R) としてエマ・コールマンをお迎えします。
12月13日 18:00〜20:00にロビーギャラリーで開催されるオープニングレセプションにぜひお越しください。
Ace Artist in Residence プログラムについて
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Upcoming events at Ace Hotel Kyoto
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