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A Celebration Of Ryuichi Sakamoto

  • 12:00 am - 12:00 am | Sunday April 14, 2024
  • Lobby | Ace Hotel Kyoto

森林保全団体「​​more trees」 創立者であり音楽家 坂本龍一氏 一周忌のトリビュートイベントを3月28日〜4月14日の期間、ロビーにて開催。4月6日(土)には坂本氏の30年来の友人であり森への想いを繋ぐmore trees代表/建築家・隈研吾氏のトークショー、そんな隈氏の森の中にひそんでいる、自由を表現したモニュメントの展示、そして開催期間中、教授のほか、隈研吾氏、古くからの友人であるPearl+創設者のジョン・C・ジェイ氏らの書籍を手に取ることができるライブラリーが登場 (本棚提供:隈研吾事務所)。



友人であり、最も敬愛する芸術家であった坂本龍一さんの跡を継いで、more treesを率いることになり、大きな責任を感じています。

単にmore treesという組織のバトンを「教授」から渡された責任だけではなく、

そのような大きな責任感が、本来とてもシャイであった「教授」を動かし、その志に、様々な人達が心を打たれ、more treesの今があるわけです。


more trees代表 隈研吾


会場:エースホテル京都  1Fエントランス(京都市中京区車屋町245-2 新風館内


The forest conservation organization more trees, founded by musician Ryuichi Sakamoto, will hold a tribute event commemorating the first anniversary of his passing in the Ace Kyoto lobby from March 28th to April 14th. On Saturday, April 6, there will be a conversation between Sakamoto’s longtime friend and successor  of more trees, architect Kengo Kuma and Shinkichi Mizutani. Additionally, there will be an exhibition of monuments expressing freedom hidden in the forest, designed by Kengo Kuma. Throughout the event, a library will be available where attendees will be able to browse through  books by Ryuichi Sakamoto and Kengo Kuma. 

Our neighbors at UPLINK Kyoto will also screen  three films  related  to Ryuichi Sakamoto in tribute to the cultural icon.  For more details, click here.


A message from Kengo Kuma : 

Taking over from Ryuichi Sakamoto, who was not only a friend but also the most admired artist, I feel a great responsibility in leading More Trees.

It’s not just the responsibility of inheriting the baton of More Trees from the “professor”, but also the incredibly heavy baton of responsibility towards the Earth’s environment that I have been handed.

This sense of great responsibility has moved the “professor”, who was originally very shy, and has touched the hearts of various people, leading to the present state of More Trees.

Without ever forgetting the original intentions of the “professor”, I aim to pass on this baton to people around the world and connect it to the forests of the world.”

Representative of More Trees, Kengo Kuma


■ Event Overview

Dates: March 28th, 2024 (Thursday) – April 14th, 2024 (Sunday)

Venue: Ace Hotel Kyoto 1F Entrance (ShinPuhKan, 245-2 Kurumayacho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City)


写真:Frederico Martins

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