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Walker’s Spoilery

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  • Gallery | Ace Hotel New York

Walker presents an exhibition of small sculptures and short films, directed by CMA Artist-Educator Frank Traynor.


Walker’s Spoilery presents a selection of small and strange sculptures made from materials such as coral, fossil, and snail shells, all gathered around the New York City area, as well as short films documenting Walker’s foraging and studio process. 

The word “spoilery” has two meanings — the content collected by dredging a lake or mining land, as well as the treasures and wealth looted during battle. These works in this exhibition are all made using foraged material, inciting curiosity and fantasy in their intentional exploration of the liminal space between reality and make-believe. 

Walker is a South Florida-born, New York-based sculptor, video artist and puppet. The videos are directed by Children’s Museum of the Arts’ Artist-Educator Frank Traynor. Walker’s long standing collaborative practice with Frank includes diaristic video-based investigations of nature, art and community.


This exhibition is made possible by the support of Google, Cornelia T Bailey Foundation, William Talbott Hillman Foundation, Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, Milton & Sally Avery Arts Foundation, Louis Legacy Foundation, Cowles Charitable Trust, NYC Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) and Framebridge. 


@cmainnyc #walkersspoilery

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