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Poolside: J!MMY & Friends

  • 11:00 am - 5:00 pm | Saturday October 05, 2024
  • Poolside | Ace Hotel Palm Springs

Unwind poolside with a refreshment, a dip, and carefully curated sounds to enhance your desert daze.

Selector of the week: J!MMY & Friends

About: J!mmy born in the summer of ‘91 under the toasty sun in cool August air , to a single Dominican mother. Raised with veins ingrained deep into the aural frequencies of the rich Afro-Latin musical mycelia his mother and family imparted upon him , J!MMY leapt onto the sonic scene in ‘21 with a deep predisposition to chasing beats & rhythms. Now, 3 years deep into the creation and curation of his own flavor of the DNB – infused , house music , colored hip hop & jungle inspired. We’ve gotten a chance to witness him explore and expand within across the 19 publicly released projects so far.


Swim Club Pool events are open to hotel guests and day pass guests only.

Upcoming events at Ace Hotel Palm Springs

Ace Hotel Palm Springs
11:00am @ Poolside

Poolside: Nick Vernet at Poolside

Unwind poolside with a refreshment, a dip, and carefully curated sounds to enhance your desert daze. Selectors of the week: Nick Vernet About: Nick Vernet is a Los Angeles based Creative Director. Swim Club Pool events are open to hotel guests and day pass guests only.

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Ace Hotel Palm Springs
11:00am @ Poolside

Poolside: Nick Vernet at Poolside

Unwind poolside with a refreshment, a dip, and carefully curated sounds to enhance your desert daze. Selectors of the week: Nick Vernet About: Nick Vernet is a Los Angeles based Creative Director. Swim Club Pool events are open to hotel guests and day pass guests only.

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