A!R Opening Reception | Character Building by Daniel David Freeman
- 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Friday September 06, 2024
- Ace Hotel Kyoto | Ace Hotel Kyoto
- 245-2 Kurumayacho, Nakagyo-ku Kyoto
- Free
Character Building is an exhibition by London-based artist Daniel David Freeman created during his A!R (Artist in residency) here at Ace Kyoto.
The intricate graphite and coloured pencil drawings are the result of a laborious and reflective period of making throughout his residency at the ace hotel.
Adapting his usual print processes for the space he has deconstructed and re-presented these abstractly cartoon-like images that question the meaning and importance of beauty.
The figures act as collages of DDF’s obsessive exploration into all areas of high and low culture from comic books to classical painting and contemporary graphic design to the niche world of fan art.”
Join Daniel and the commune team for his gallery reception opening for Character Building on Friday September 6, 2024 18:00 – 20:00 (drinks provided).
Daniel David Freeman is a London based artist who specialises in experimental print-making and fashion imaging. Daniel has an international client base ranging from big name commercial brands and institutions to independent musicians and clothing labels. He has exhibited paintings, prints, installations and wearable artworks across the world whilst simultaneously pursuing self initiated projects in film, animation and limited edition garments. His work is heavily influenced by subcultural image making, outsider and folk craft, military customisation and the more subversive traditions of tattooing. His practice champions his passions in order to raise conversations about the things he loves and build a community around them.
commune brings the underground above ground. The Tokyo-based gallery, book shop and publisher is small and deliberate in what they do, running pop-ups, exhibiting at international book fairs and putting on exhibits guided by diversity, community and DIY ethics. Their curatorial concept for the residency is all about curiosity and a conviction that good art is key to a good life.
Ace Hotel Artist in Residence program, curated in partnership with collectives and institutions that inspire us, provides time to think and space to create. Every quarter, we invite artists across the globe to turn one of our hotel rooms into their studio for a month, then showcase the resulting body of work with the Ace community.
Other events happening on Sep 06, 2024

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Upcoming events at Ace Hotel Kyoto

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