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RECORD SHOP rare groove Special DJ Showcase: Norio

  • 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm | Friday September 06, 2024
  • PIOPIKO | Ace Hotel Kyoto
  • 245-2 Kurumayacho, Nakagyo-ku Kyoto

大阪心斎橋に店舗を構えるレコード・ショップ”rare groove”のオーナー。


音楽ガイドブック「WA B・O・O・G・I・E 1980s Japanese Boogie / Funk / Modern Soul / Fusion」(スペースシャワー ブックス)の共著、ドイツのレコードレーベルMusic From Memoryよりリリースされたコンピレーション、「Heisei No Oto (Japanese Left-Field Pop From The CD Age, 1989-1996)」の監修をAZ(Revelation Time)と共に担当。

Dublab(L.A.)NTS Radio(London)Rinse FM(London)The Vinyl Factory (London)Worldwide FM(London)Redlight Radio(Amsterdam)Noise In My Head(Melbourne)Butter Sessions(Melbourne)Krossfingers(Ukraine)Kiosk Radio(Brussels)Hamon Radio(Tokyo)Sound Metaphors(Berlin)などのポッドキャストにもDJ MIXを提供している。



Owner of the record shop “rare groove” located in Osaka’s Shinsaibashi district. The store is known for its deep and wide selection of music genres, including disco, psychedelic rock, new age music, and house music, attracting DJs and music enthusiasts from both Japan and abroad. Co-authored the music guidebook “WA B.O.O.G.I.E 1980s Japanese Boogie / Funk / Modern Soul / Fusion” (Space Shower Books) and co-curated a compilation titled “Heisei No Oto (Japanese Left-Field Pop From The CD Age, 1989-1996)” released by the German record label Music From Memory, in collaboration with AZ (Revelation Time). Also, provided DJ mixes for podcasts such as Dublab (L.A.), NTS Radio (London), Rinse FM (London), The Vinyl Factory (London), Worldwide FM (London), Redlight Radio (Amsterdam), Noise In My Head (Melbourne), Butter Sessions (Melbourne), Krossfingers (Ukraine), Kiosk Radio (Brussels), Hamon Radio (Tokyo), Sound Metaphors (Berlin), and more.

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