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Taco Tuesday with E.P Daisuke and SPECIAL GUEST DJ Wes

  • 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm | Tuesday February 06, 2024
  • PIOPIKO | Ace Hotel Kyoto
  • 245-2 Kurumayacho, Nakagyo-ku

小さなキッチンカーとポケットに小銭を握りしめてスタートしたシェフ ウェスは、今はLAのフードシーンにおいては欠かせないコンテンポラリーなメキシカン・アメリカ料理の先駆者となりました。そんな鉄腕シェフが再来日。オーセンティックなタコスをはじめ、すっかり定着したTACO TUESDAYを彼の一夜限りDJで盛り上げます。彼曰く、最初にDJ、その次に料理を学んだそう。ぜひお立ち寄りください。

Upcoming events at Ace Hotel Kyoto

Ace Hotel Kyoto
7:00pm @ PIOPIKO

Saturday Night Ace : DJ HOPE at PIOPIKO

様々なジャンルや年代の垣根を超えたプレイスタイルを通じ、多様なシチュエーションで、活躍の場を広げている。 His play style transcends various genres and eras, allowing him to expand his presence across diverse settings and events. @hope_uky

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Ace Hotel Kyoto
@ Gallery

A!R | Spring Fever by Shiori Ikeno presented by commune at Gallery

For Shiori Ikeno, photography transcends a mere profession; it is her life’s work, a visual diary, a meditative practice, and an ongoing soliloquy. There is no grand concept or motive behind the work Ikeno creates. It’s a casual pursuit, capturing the seemingly trivial and insignificant moments of everyday life. Ikeno approaches photography much like wandering the streets and encountering people. It’s a continuous exploration, a study without end, and perhaps, in some ways, a beautiful misunderstanding. Her curiosity about the…

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