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A!R Opening with Shiori Ikeno | Spring Fever

  • 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Friday March 07, 2025
  • Lobby | Ace Hotel Kyoto

AIR (アーティストインレジデンス)第3弾として、写真家 池野詩織をお迎えします。
「Spring Fever (スプリング・フィーバー)」と題された展示会は3月7日(金)より開催。




3月7日 18時よりロビーギャラリーにて開催するロビーレセプションに、ぜひお立ち寄りください。
また、来月から始まるKyotographie KG+でもピックアップアーティストとして参画。

Join us for the Opening Reception on March 7th, from 18:00 to 20:00, in the Lobby Gallery.



Ace Artist in Residence プログラムについて

commune brings the underground above ground. The Tokyo-based gallery, book shop and publisher is small and deliberate in what they do, running pop-ups, exhibiting at international book fairs and putting on exhibits guided by diversity, community and DIY ethics. Their curatorial concept for the residency is all about curiosity and a conviction that good art is key to a good life.

Ace Artist in Residence program, curated in partnership with collectives and institutions that inspire us, provides time to think and space to create. Every quarter, we invite artists across the globe to turn one of our hotel rooms into their studio for a month, then showcase the resulting body of work with the Ace community.  


池野詩織 / Shiori Ikeno
1991年神奈川県生まれ。写真家。近年では主にファッションや音楽、コマーシャルなど、ジャンルを問わず様々なシーンで写真表現の活動を続けるほか、展示の開催や作品集の発表など、東京を拠点に国内外で精力的に活動している。commune Pressより写真集「オーヴ」を出版。2022年にUSの写真出版レーベルDeadbeat Clubより zine「SADO」を出版。2023年にはスタジオ35分(東京)にて佐渡をテーマにした写真展「ぬかるみの記憶」を開催。


Shiori IKENO was born in Kanagawa in 1991. Photographer. She is currently based in Tokyo, and she works both in Japan and abroad. Her work spans various genres, including fashion, music, and commercials and also held exhibitions and published photo books and zines. Her first photo book, “Orb,” was published by commune Press, and her zine “SADO” was released by Deadbeat Club. In 2023, She had a photo exhibition titled “Muddy Memory” at Studio gallery 35 minutes in Tokyo, which focused on the theme of Sado Island.

Other events happening on Mar 07, 2025

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Upcoming events at Ace Hotel Kyoto

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5:00pm @ PIOPIKO


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