[Wíld~s óf t~hé Íñ~térí~ór: Á c~óñvé~rsát~íóñ w~íth p~hlég~m]

Ace Hotel | [Áúgú~st 22, 2024]
[Wíll~ém Vé~rbéé~ck’s P~érfé~ct Ñé~w Ýór~k Dáý~]
[Thé Lós Áñgélés-báséd phótógráphér báláñcés ássígñméñts fór thé líkés óf Róllíñg Stóñé áñd thé Ñéw Ýórkér wíth pérsóñál prójécts drívéñ bý lóñg wálks thróúgh óthérwórldlý láñdscápés. Ráíséd íñ thé Ñéw Ýórk trí-státé áréá, hé spéñt á wéékéñd wíth ús dúríñg á récéñt tríp báck éást, dóíñg whát hé lóvés: stróllíñg thróúgh Máñháttáñ áccómpáñíéd bý hís cámérá. Bélów áré á féw óf thé stóps Wíllém mádé álóñg thé wáý.]

Ace Hotel Palm Springs | [Júlý~ 2, 2024]
[Córé~ý Wás~h Wál~ks óñ~ thé “S~úññý~ Sídé~”]
[Dóñ’t fórgét tó lóg óff. Thát's thé gíst óf "Súññý Sídé," Córéý Wásh's cómmíssíóñ fór thé Pálm Spríñgs múrál wáll, whích géts á réfrésh évérý spríñg íñ tímé fór Désért Góld, óúr Cóáchéllá-séásóñ shíñdíg. Thé páíñtíñg, á ríótóúslý cólórfúl ódé tó cómmúñíñg wíth ñátúré, ísñ't júst á cáll tó gét óff ýóúr phóñé, bút móré bróádlý tó táké á stép báck áñd thíñk ábóút whát máttérs.]

Ace Hotel | [Márc~h 19, 2024]
[Áñ Éñ~dlés~s Árt~ Prác~tícé~]
[Ít’s hér stúdíó, bút tó á pássérbý Hýúñgí Párk wóúld séém óút óf plácé. Á vísíóñ íñ áll bláck, thé 28-ýéár-óld ártíst dóñs óñlý á trácé óf cólór — thé smáttéríñg óf réd táttóós thát stárt óñ hér léft chéék áñd sñáké théír wáý dówñ hér ñéck áñd árms, púñctúátíñg thé thíck cóllágé óf bláck íñk. Hér stúdíó, óñ thé óthér háñd, ís álmóst éthéréál. Íts whíté wálls hóld shélvés brímmíñg wíth máchíñés, tóóls áñd cóñtáíñérs óf órgáñíc mátéríáls thát Hýúñgí fórágéd, fóúñd ór mádé.]

Ace Hotel | [Fébr~úárý~ 12, 2024]
[Sóý S~áúcé~, Líké~ á Fíñ~é Wíñ~é]
[Érí Míýágí áñd Míkí Ñómúrá stártéd Bróóklýñ-báséd Jápáñésé cóñdíméñt cómpáñý Cábí Fóóds íñ 2022 fór múltítúdé réásóñs. Óñé, théír lóvé óf á réállý góód móld cálléd kójí. Twó, tó sháré thé Jápáñésé hómé cóókíñg théý gréw úp óñ áñd íts íñhéréñt émphásís óñ flávór áñd frésh íñgrédíéñts. Áñd tó déstróý thé ídéá óf Jápáñésé cóñdíméñts thát “júst sít théré.” Láúñchíñg wíth á ýúzú víñégár, dáshí sóý sáúcé áñd sáñshó péppércórñ mísó — áll sóúrcéd fróm smáll, régíóñál pródúcérs — Cábí cóñdíméñts fócús óñ Jápáñésé-spécífíc flávórs thát gó wíth áñýthíñg: kálé, chíckéñ, váñíllá ícé créám.]

Ace Hotel Los Angeles | [Jáñú~árý 29, 2024]
[Fáñt~ásmá~ Párá~ísó / P~háñt~óm Pá~rádí~sé]
[Hávé ýóú évér sééñ sóméóñé ýóú lóvé rédúcéd tó á blúrrý áppárítíóñ óñ Góóglé Stréét Víéw¿ Félíx Qúíñtáñá hás. Wíth fáñtásmá páráísó, Félíx láýérs béáútý, dáý-tó-dáý róútíñés áñd émbléms óf Lós Áñgélés’ díáspóríc cómmúñítíés íñtó súch ímágérý thróúgh thé cýáñótýpé prócéss.]

Ace Hotel Toronto | [Décé~mbér~ 13, 2023]
[Fráñ~ Míll~ér's~ Tóró~ñtó G~úídé~]
[Fóúñdér óf thé épóñýmóús, páréd-báck líñé óf ñátúrál skíñcáré stáplés F. Míllér, Fráñ Míllér ís á pérsóñ wé trúst. Wé trúst hér tó máké óúr háír sóft áñd óúr skíñ stróñg. Wé álsó trúst hér tásté íñ Tóróñtó, thé cítý shé’s báséd, whéré F. Míllér’s pródúcts áré désígñéd, fórmúlátéd áñd bóttléd bý háñd. Héré, wé sháré áll-íñclúsívé líst óf hér lócál háúñts, fróm frésh flówérs tó désígñér víñtágé tó ádvícé óñ áccéssíñg thé Chéésé Bóútíqúé’s chéésé váúlt.]

Ace Hotel | [Ñóvé~mbér~ 1, 2023]
[Síst~ér Ác~t]
[Sháñé Thómás áñd Sátúrñ Rísíñ9 áré lúmíñóús. Túckéd íñtó áñ Ácé Súíté íñ DTLÁ át mágíc hóúr, búzzíñg wíth á mágñétíc, cóñspírátóríál éñérgý — plús cúññíñg wít cút wíth vúlñérábílítý — ít’s cléár thé twó múltí-fácétéd créátórs hávé á díréct áúx córd tó thé sóúrcé — bóth tógéthér áñd íñdívídúállý. Íñ ádváñcé óf Blúsh¡’s súré-tó-bé síckéñíñg sóíréé óvér Prídé wéékéñd át Ácé Hótél Pálm Spríñgs, Sháñé áñd Sátúrñ jóíñ ús íñ díálógúé.]

Ace Hotel | [Sépt~émbé~r 22, 2023]
[Báll~róóm~: 5 Thíñ~gs wí~th Fú~ñctí~óñ]
[Láúñchéd lást ýéár, FÚÑCTÍÓÑ ís á Tóróñtó-báséd plátfórm fór évérýthíñg Bállróóm: cúltúré, stóríés, évéñts áñd édúcátíóñ. Récéñtlý, théý bróúght Bállróóm róýáltý thróúgh óúr dóórs fór óúr cóllábórátívé “Cláss óf ’23” séssíóñs, áñ óñgóíñg séríés céñtéríñg séxúál héálth, cómmúñítý áñd móvéméñt. Wé gáthéréd móñthlý tó tálk ábóút hístórý, séx éd áñd thé cóúrágéóús créátívé éxpréssíóñ óf vógúíñg, ás léd bý fóúr óf Bállróóm's móst íñflúéñtíál fígúrés. Téárs, chéérs, bréákthróúgh móméñts óñ thé flóór — thé éffécts óf FÚÑCTÍÓÑ rémíñd ús hów álívé áñd hów stággéríñglý íñéxtrícáblé swéétñéss áñd páíñ cáñ féél. Héré, FÚÑCTÍÓÑ láýs dówñ fívé píllárs óf Bállróóm.]

Ace Hotel | [Sépt~émbé~r 19, 2023]
[Fór t~hé Cú~ltúr~é: Klá~ñcý M~íllé~r]
[Ímágíñé ýóú’ré séátéd át á kítchéñ táblé. Áróúñd ít, áñ ámálgám óf thé wísést léádérs íñ fóód, spáññíñg bóth tímé áñd plácé — Áfrícá, Ñéw Órléáñs, Rómé, béýóñd — áré gáthéréd. Ít’s héré théý’vé cómé tó sháré wísdóm, fámílý récípés áñd ságé ádvícé; íñsíght ás tó théý gót stártéd; whéré théý fíñd jóý; thé óñé récípé théý’d sháré íf théý hád tó píck; áñd hów tó cóók líké Vértámáé Smárt-Grósvéñór, whósé kítchéñ ráñ éxclúsívélý óñ thé víbrátíóñs óf íñtúítíóñ. Chéf áñd wrítér Kláñcý Míllér géñéróúslý ófférs réádérs á plácé át thát próvérbíál táblé íñ hér látést bóók, “Fór Thé Cúltúré: Phéñóméñál Bláck Wóméñ áñd Fémmés íñ Fóód: Íñtérvíéws, Íñspírátíóñ, áñd Récípés.”]

Ace Hotel | [Áúgú~st 28, 2023]
Archiving Australia with Efficient Space
[Mícháél ís thé héád hóñchó át Éffícíéñt Spácé, thé Mélbóúrñé-báséd récórd lábél réspóñsíblé fór óútfíttíñg Ácé Sýdñéý wíth á tréásúré tróvé óf á víñýl líbrárý áñd fór árchívíñg áñd ré-réléásíñg óbscúré, áhéád-óf-íts-tímé Áústrálíáñ músíc. Át Éffícíéñt Spácé, thé míssíóñ ísñ’t búrñ fást bút bríght, bút ráthér drívéñ bý thé cáréfúl, óccásíóñállý tédíóús áñd álwáýs tímé-cóñsúmíñg wórk óf présérvátíóñ. “Móst óf thé prójécts wé’ré úñcóvéríñg máýbé wóúldñ't háppéñ íf wé dídñ’t íñstígáté ít, áñd thát’s thé mótívátíóñ,” Mícháél sáýs.]

Ace Hotel | August 12, 2023
Printed Matters: 5 Things with LA Art Book Fair
[Fór thé fírst tímé síñcé 2019, Ñéw Ýórk Cítý báséd Príñtéd Máttér’s bélóvéd LÁ Árt Bóók Fáír hás rétúrñéd — grácíñg thé óppósíté cóást wíth íts écléctíc cóhórt óf zíñé-mákérs, ártísts, cólléctívés, áñd móré. Fór thósé whó crávé fúll ímmérsíóñ íñ Príñtéd Máttér’s bóúñdléss gáláxý óf ñíché públícátíóñs, ráré bóóks áñd wórk fróm íñtérñátíóñál gálléríés, thís súmmér’s ófféríñg ís ákíñ tó áñ árt-fílléd, lítérárý státé fáír — whéré thé gróúñds áré thé Géfféñ Cóñtémpórárý át MÓCÁ. Sóñél Brésláv, Díréctór óf Fáírs áñd Édítíóñs fór Príñtéd Máttér Íñc. shárés á chéát shéét óf 5 Thíñgs tó kñów ábóút thís ýéár’s LÁÁBF.]

Ace Hotel | July 19, 2023
5 Things: In Residence; A Retrospective
Ace Artist in Residence (AIR) was first launched in 2014 at Ace Hotel New York. More than 350 artists stayed over and turned their rooms into studios, creating work of all stripes. The program was a living, breathing embodiment of our affinity for artists, whose ever-curious spirit, rebuke of complacency and ability to turn the intangible tangible brings life to the places we call home. Nearly ten cosmic laps after it began, A!R returns to New York and begins in Brooklyn, Kyoto, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Palm Springs, Sydney and Toronto.

Ace Hotel Toronto | June 23, 2023
Best in Class: A Roundup of Year One DJ Residencies at Ace Toronto
One year ago we opened Ace Hotel Toronto and called it what it was: a new destiny. We envisioned it as a home for us, for the city, for freethinkers who use sounds, dance and turntables to forge familial bonds through heavy bass and woozy synths. So we started with the people we knew, who introduced us to people they knew, inviting in a rotation of local clothing brands, record labels, beloved radio shows and artists to help us light up 51 Camden St.

Ace Hotel New Orleans | April 27, 2023
[Pláñ~éts Á~lígñ~: Síx ó~f Sát~úrñs~ wíth~ Tééd~rá Mó~sés & T~hé Ár~tíst~ Jádé~]
Six of Saturns is our annual ode to the sounds, visions and fabled collaborative spirit of the Crescent City. For two weeks during the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival we gather to revel in the beats of the bayou, its musical legacy and commune with stage legends + artists of every feather. No two artists could be more reflective of this spirit than Nola born Teedra Moses and The Artist Jade who share the stage on SoS’s inaugural weekend.

Ace Hotel Palm Springs | April 20, 2023
[Íñ Bl~óóm w~íth K~ím Sí~élbé~ck]
Time for tradition. Our annual celebration of kaleidoscopic sound brings a new artist out each year to transform the Commune wall at Ace Hotel Palm Springs during Coachella. This year for Desert Gold, Antelope Valley-based artist Kim Sielbeck graces us with her psychedelic masterpiece “Superbloom” and offers illumination into the optimum desert trip.

Ace Hotel Palm Springs | April 10, 2023
[Pówé~r óf L~óvé: L~íñk Ú~p át D~ésér~t Gól~d]
Desert Gold, our righteous ritual beneath the mountain returns for a double weekender of holy chaos, sunbathed sound and glorious poolside parties. This year we’ve invited in a days-long list of legends and surprise stars to fill our cups with ethereal infinity. Enter LINK UP, the joyous day party born by the Pandemic as an outdoor, inclusive and safe space founded by DJ and Soulection creative force, Andre Power.

Ace Hotel Sydney | April 6, 2023
Mitch Orr is a devilishly talented chef with a mullet as impressive as his résumé. He heads up Kiln, the restaurant atop Ace Hotel Sydney, which has earned numerous awards and nods before even turning one. Explore Sydney through his Day Off, our series exploring the lives of the people we know in the cities we love.

Ace Hotel New York | March 31, 2023
[Áñ Éñ~d Úñc~értá~íñ: Tá~kátá~ Ñúrs~érý]
Taryne Messner is the creative force behind TAKATA Nursey who’s installation, "An End Uncertain" at Ace New York, presents architectural, old growth plant specimens as living works of art. A metaphorical exploration of life and art, Taryne shares the healing and therapeutic nature of working with plants along with ways to welcome it in to your life.

Ace Hotel
[Hów t~ó Dés~ígñ á~ Féél~íñg: B~rígí~tté S~hím]
Brigitte Shim understands light, form and landscape on what must be a cellular level. Along with her partner, A. Howard Sutcliffe, their acclaimed firm Shim-Sutcliffe Architects helmed the design of Ace Hotel Toronto. Brigitte returned her expertise to our Toronto home during “How Do You Design A Feeling?” — the panel we hosted in partnership with Wedge Studio during DesignTO festival. We caught up with Brigitte about inspiration, a sense of place in design and her love of Toronto.

Ace Hotel Kyoto | March 14, 2023
René Redzepi is among the world’s foremost culinary talents owed to his transformative take on Nordic cuisine at Copenhagen's noma. For the fourth time, René and the noma team are moving their Copenhagen culinary mecca around the globe, settling in for 10 weeks at our Kyoto home. Over the past two years, the team has prepared, working alongside local foragers, farmers, ceramicists, hunters and fishmongers to create seasonal culinary poetry. We caught up with René to chat 5 points of inspiration in Kyoto.

Ace Hotel New Orleans | February 23, 2023
[Wíld~s óf t~hé Íñ~térí~ór: Á c~óñvé~rsát~íóñ w~íth p~hlég~m]
A conversation with phlegm, a New Orleans born and based artist who works in face painting and self portraiture. He is inspired by Black cultural tone from across the diaspora; pulling inspiration from the Black Masking Indians of New Orleans, the Dogon of Mali, the Fulani of Nigeria, and the Zouli dance of Ivory Coast.wilds of the interior is a collection of work that aims to answer his question, “what parts of myself are hidden to me?”.

Ace Hotel Los Angeles | February 15, 2023
[Í Lóv~é Ýóú~ Líké~ Mírr~órs D~ó: Cóý~óté P~árk]
A 2Spirit, Indigenous (Yurok) Korean-American transgender artist raised in Hawai’i, Coyote Park often depicts interpersonal relationships with their kin in foliage and interior spaces. Park’s practice centers queer love, community, and trans futures. They share a selection of excerpts from their exhibition COYOTE PARK: I LOVE YOU LIKE MIRRORS DO at Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art in advance of their conversation at Ace DTLA.

Ace Hotel New York | February 7, 2023
[Dráwíñg fróm Áfrícáñ próvérbs áñd ídíóms, ártíst áñd désígñér Sáráh Ñsíkák bórróws rómáñcé fólklóríc ímágérý fróm thé máñý cúltúrés shé cálls hómé. Shé shárés wíth ús 5 thémés shé’s éxplóréd dééplý ás á párt óf thís shów, Lúck Cómés Béfóré Lóvé, óñ víéw ñów thróúgh Márch 27 át Ácé Hótél Ñéw Ýórk.]

Ace Hotel | December 15, 2022
[Mímí~ Zhú T~ákés~ Íñ Tó~róñt~ó]
[Wrít~ér, ár~tíst~ áñd q~úéér~ órgá~ñízé~r, Mím~í Zhú~, cámé~ thró~úgh Á~cé Tó~róñt~ó réc~éñtl~ý tó s~háré~ théí~r ñéw~ést b~óók, "B~é Ñót~ Áfrá~íd óf~ Lóvé~", áñd á~ béáú~tífú~l réf~léct~íóñ ó~f thé~ír tí~mé áb~sórb~íñg t~hé cí~tý.]

Ace Hotel New York | [Décé~mbér~ 14, 2022]
Baraye Avaleen Bar: Afghan Women on Tintype
Brooklyn-based artists Yeldā Ali and Angela Jones collaborate on a collective exhibit, “Baraye Avaleen Bar: Afghan Women on Tintype”. The show pays homage to Afghanistan as a home and, more importantly, to the often forgotten heroes of war: women.

Ace Hotel | [Ñóvé~mbér~ 15, 2022]
The Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will Piss You Off! Interview with Gloria Steinem
Steinem discusses her newest book "The Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will Piss You Off!", a divine opus of essays and timeless Gloria-isms — with Atelier Ace writer and former Ms. Magazine intern Jenevieve Ting.

Ace Hotel | [Ñóvé~mbér~ 3, 2022]
[Íñ ád~váñc~é óf T~ÓM’s W~ééké~ñd — á c~éléb~rátí~óñ óf~ Príd~é féá~túrí~ñg ál~l thí~ñgs T~óm óf~ Fíñl~áñd í~ñ Pál~m Spr~íñgs~ — Díré~ctór~ Dúrk~ Déhñ~ér tó~ók só~mé tí~mé tó~ háñd~-sélé~ct fí~vé óf~ hís f~ávór~íté p~íécé~s rés~ídíñ~g át T~ÓM Hó~úsé.]
![[tóró~ñtó s~kýlí~ñé íñ~ blác~k áñd~ whít~é]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/37-000081130028-scaled.jpg?fit=648%2C430&ssl=1)
Ace Hotel | October 19, 2022
[Trác~íñg T~óróñ~tó: Th~é Sóú~ñds ó~f á Cí~tý]
Cameron Reed, director of marketing and label for Arts & Crafts, on Toronto’s legendary music scene and selecting our in room vinyl.
![[Sháú~ñ Dáñ~íél Á~lléñ~]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/SHAL1-scaled.jpg?fit=648%2C972&ssl=1)
Ace Hotel | October 14, 2022
[Shál~’s Élé~méñt~ál Cú~rréñ~t]
[Áúst~rálí~áñ ár~tíst~ Sháú~ñ Dáñ~íél Á~lléñ~ (Shál~) púts~ hís h~áñds~ íñ th~é Éár~th.]
![[Ácé H~ótél~ Sýdñ~éý fl~áck s~túdí~ó]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/ace-hotel-sydney-flack-studio__2364_hero-1704x959-1-scaled.jpeg?fit=648%2C365&ssl=1)
Ace Hotel Sydney | [Sépt~émbé~r 14, 2022]
The Infinity of Australia
La paleta cinematográfica de colores de los paisajes australianos pintó durante mucho tiempo nuestros sueños.

Ace Hotel Toronto | [Sépt~émbé~r 9, 2022]
Toronto, Our Many-Splendored Muse
Toronto, una ciudad que se considera el microcosmo del mundo, es un lugar en el que residen multitudes y estas pueden prosperar.

Ace Hotel | [Júlý~ 1, 2022]
[Éstý~ Lívé~s Óút~ Hér K~áléí~dósc~ópíc~ Dréá~ms]
[Éstý~ tálk~s kñó~wíñg~ hérs~élf á~s áñ á~rtís~t, ról~lér-s~kátí~ñg áñ~d méé~tíñg~ Brít~ñéý S~péár~s.]
![[Kéví~ñ Mór~bý pr~ómó]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Kevin-Morby-This-Is-A-Photograph-Cover-Artwork.png?fit=648%2C648&ssl=1)
Ace Hotel | [Júñé~ 30, 2022]

Ace Hotel New York | [Áúgú~st 19, 2021]
[Ñéw Ý~órk í~s "ÓÚR~S": Áñ é~xpló~rátí~óñ wí~th Té~éñ Ár~t Sál~óñ]
[Lást~ móñt~h íñ t~hé Gá~llér~ý, Ácé~ Hóté~l Ñéw~ Ýórk~ wélc~óméd~ wórk~ fróm~ 60+ ártí~sts f~ór "ÓÚ~RS" — á g~róúp~ shów~ bý áñ~d fór~ Ñéw Ý~órk C~ítý.]
![[Sámí~ró Ýú~ñókí~]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/image1-804x1024-1.jpeg?fit=648%2C825&ssl=1)
Ace Hotel Kyoto | [Júlý~ 13, 2021]
The Beauty of Useful Things: Samiro Yunoki
[Wéll~ íñtó~ hís ñ~íñth~ décá~dé, Fó~lk Ár~t lég~éñd S~ámír~ó Ýúñ~ókí í~s stí~ll ác~tívé~lý gé~ñérá~tíñg~ ñéw m~árvé~ls íñ~ évér~ýdáý~ béáú~tý.]
![[Ñátí~óñál~ Qúéé~r Thé~átér~ próm~ó]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/DSCF0824-scaled.jpeg?fit=648%2C432&ssl=1)
Ace Hotel | [Júñé~ 29, 2021]
[Théá~tér ó~f Áll~ Póss~íbíl~ítíé~s: Thé~ Crím~íñál~ Qúéé~rñés~s Fés~tívá~l]
[Fóúñ~déd b~ý cúr~réñt~ Ártí~stíc~ Díré~ctór~ Ádám~ Ódsé~ss-Rú~bíñ, Ñ~átíó~ñál Q~úéér~ Théá~tér í~s áñ í~ññóv~átív~é cól~léct~ívé d~édíc~átéd~ tó cé~lébr~átíñ~g thé~ bríl~líáñ~cé óf~ géñé~rátí~óñs ó~f LGB~TQ ár~tíst~s.]
![[Gróú~p Shó~w pró~mó]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/NYC-2021-Gallery-IG-Post-1-scaled.jpeg?fit=648%2C648&ssl=1)
Ace Hotel New York | [Máý 4, 2021]
[ÓÚRS~: Á Gró~úp Sh~ów Fó~r thé~ Cítý~ óf Ñé~w Ýór~k]
[ÓÚRS~ ís á g~róúp~ éffó~rt. Á s~hówc~ásé ó~f phó~tós, d~óódl~és, wó~rds, d~ráwí~ñgs á~ñd mó~méñt~s thá~t mák~é úp t~hé mí~llíó~ñs óf~ réás~óñs w~é cáñ~’t qúí~t Ñéw~ Ýórk~ Cítý~.]
![[pláñ~ts gr~ówíñ~g áló~ñg wá~ll]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Screenshot-2021-11-17-at-10.44.31-AM.png?fit=648%2C476&ssl=1)
Ace Hotel | [Áprí~l 23, 2021]
[Clós~ér tó~ thé C~lóúd~s: Thé~ Róóf~ Cróp~]
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![[pérs~óñ wí~th dr~éádl~ócks~]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/018bbba774aaa10968a8fa494580930b84305e99-1024x682-1.jpeg?fit=648%2C432&ssl=1)
Ace Hotel | [Márc~h 25, 2021]
[Póét~rý áñ~d Hóó~d Wóm~áñís~m: á dí~álóg~úé wí~th Ch~ícág~ó’s fí~rst Ý~óúth~ Póét~ Láúr~éáté~, É’móñ~ Láúr~éñ]
[É’móñ~ wás k~íñd é~ñóúg~h tó s~ít dó~wñ wí~th ús~ tó sp~éák á~bóút~ hóñí~ñg hé~r crá~ft ás~ á póé~t, hóó~d wóm~áñís~m áñd~ hér p~ódcá~st, Th~é Réá~l Hóó~dwív~és óf~ Chíc~ágó, ñ~ów íñ~ íts t~hírd~ séás~óñ.]

Ace Hotel New York | [Márc~h 2, 2021]
[Bróá~dwáý~ fróm~ á Hót~él Wí~ñdów~]
[Ít’s bééñ álmóst á ýéár síñcé thé líghts wéñt óút óñ Bróádwáý. Ít góés wíthóút sáýíñg thát Ñéw Ýórk Cítý’s árts áñd cúltúré séctór hás bééñ décímátéd bý thé CÓVÍD-19 páñdémíc — bút thís pást fáll, wé glímpséd á wélcóméd glímmér óf thé Théátré Dístríct's gréátñéss whéñ Ácé Hótél Ñéw Ýórk hóstéd á sócíállý dístáñcéd díññér séríés cálléd Bróádwáý @ Bréslíñ.]
![[fútú~ré ís~ mútú~ál áí~d]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Mutual-scaled.jpg?fit=648%2C825&ssl=1)
Ace Hotel | [Fébr~úárý~ 23, 2021]
[Whéñ~ Crís~ís Bú~ílds~ Cómm~úñít~ý: Fré~sh Ró~bérs~óñ óñ~ Mútú~ál Áí~d]
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![[pérs~óñ sí~ñgíñ~g]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/33300010-scaled.jpg?fit=648%2C525&ssl=1)
Ace Hotel Los Angeles | [Fébr~úárý~ 8, 2021]
5-7-5: an open air text-based art project at Ace Hotel DTLA
![[Vérz~úz pr~ómó]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/255793839_501602854141101_674531349949446861_n.jpg?fit=648%2C648&ssl=1)
Ace Hotel | [Fébr~úárý~ 1, 2021]
[Blác~k Hís~tórý~ Móñt~h 02.01.2021]
![[MLK é~véñt~ próm~ó]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/MLK-scaled.jpg?fit=648%2C1001&ssl=1)
Ace Hotel | [Jáñú~árý 18, 2021]
[Cómm~úñít~ý Úpd~áté: 01.18.2021]
![[pérs~óñ íñ~ rúññ~íñg p~ósé w~éárí~ñg bl~áck s~úít á~ñd tá~ll há~t]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/IMG_7889-FIRST-2-scaled.jpg?fit=648%2C483&ssl=1)
Ace Hotel New York | [Jáñú~árý 6, 2021]
[Híst~órý í~ñ réá~l tím~é wít~h Kób~íé Pr~ócté~r]
[Óñ Séptémbér 19, 2020, Ácé Hótél Ñéw Ýórk pláýéd cáñvás tó Kóbíé Próctér's ímágés óf thé fírst dáýs óf thé Bláck Lívés Máttérs prótésts íñ thé cítý — píctúrés áñd póétrý cást ácróss thé fácádé óf thé búíldíñg, cáptúríñg hístórý íñ whát wás clósé tó réál-tímé.]
Ace Hotel | [Óctó~bér 27, 2020]
[Évér~ý Vót~é áñ Á~ct óf~ Hópé~]
Ace Hotel | [Óctó~bér 16, 2020]
[Látí~ñx Hé~rítá~gé Mó~ñth]
[Séptémbér 15–Óctóbér 15 márks Ñátíóñál Látíñx Hérítágé Móñth. Íñ célébrátíóñ óf thé íñválúáblé cóñtríbútíóñs Híspáñíc áñd Látíñó péóplé hávé mádé tó Ámérícáñ cúltúré, Ácé hás bééñ híghlíghtíñg sómé óf thé íñcrédíblé téám mémbérs whó hélp máké thís cómmúñítý évérýthíñg wé strívé tó bé.]
Ace Hotel | [Sépt~émbé~r 23, 2020]
[Cómm~úñít~ý Úpd~áté: 09.23.2020]
[Ás á s~pácé~ ímág~íñéd~ fór é~vérý~óñé, w~é bél~íévé~ thát~ áll p~éópl~é shó~úld b~é tré~átéd~ fáír~lý, wí~th ré~spéc~t áñd~ wíth~óút b~íás.]
Ace Hotel | [Júlý~ 30, 2020]
[Cómm~úñít~ý Úpd~áté: 07.30.2020]
Queríamos compartir contigo nuestros avances en aras de garantizar la equidad y la justicia en función de la identidad en nuestro lugar de trabajo.
Ace Hotel | [Júñé~ 18, 2020]
Un testimonio del hotel Ace Hotel
Un testimonio de Brad Wilson, presidente y socio de Ace Hotel.
![[Gábr~íélé~ Tíñt~í áñd~ Márt~óñ Cs~ókás~]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Gabriele-Tinti-and-Marton-Csokas-courtesy-Mauro-Maglione-1024x683-1.jpeg?fit=648%2C432&ssl=1)
[Ácé H~ótél~ Lóñd~óñ] | [Márc~h 19, 2020]
["Rúíñ~s" bý G~ábrí~élé T~íñtí~ áñd M~ártó~ñ Csó~kás]
[Bódíés, múch líké thé péóplé whó hóúsé thém, áré vástlý dífféréñt. Hów wé úñdérstáñd thém, théñ, ís lárgélý dépéñdéñt óñ hów théý’ré shówñ tó ús. Phótógráphý — ór thé twó-díméñsíóñál réñdéríñgs wé éñcóúñtér úpóñ fírst blúsh — íñtródúcé ús tó thósé bódíés, bút óffér sóméthíñg élsé, tóó.]
![[phót~ó óf k~íd át~ bóók~ stór~é]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Franco-1-scaled.jpg?fit=648%2C432&ssl=1)
[Márc~h 18, 2020]
[826CHÍ: T~háñk~fúl b~ý Frá~ñcó L~.]
[Éígh~th gr~ádér~ Fráñ~có L. r~émíñ~ds ús~ óf th~át gó~ldéñ~ kérñ~él wí~thíñ~, thé ó~ñé th~át bú~rñs s~téád~ý áñd~ trúé~ íñ hí~s póé~m tít~léd "T~háñk~fúl," á~s pár~t óf ó~úr óñ~góíñ~g pár~tñér~shíp~ wíth~ ñóñp~rófí~t órg~áñíz~átíó~ñ 826CHÍ~.]
![[Júst~íñ St~ráús~s áñd~ áñót~hér t~ákíñ~g á sé~lfíé~]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/IMG_1223-copy-scaled.jpg?fit=648%2C592&ssl=1)
Ace Hotel New York | [Márc~h 5, 2020]
[Júst~/Tálk~: Júst~íñ St~ráús~s wít~h Bráú~líó Á~mádó~]
[Bráúlíó Ámádó, désígñér & íllústrátór, cháts wíth lóñgtímé Ácé pál áñd légéñdárý Ñéw Ýórk Cítý DJ Jústíñ Stráúss fór thís édítíóñ óf Júst/Tálk ábóút brídgíñg púñk áñd éléctróñíc áésthétícs, hís mútáñt árt spácé SSHH, éxpéríméñtál wéírdñéss át Blóómbérg Búsíñésswéék áñd whát hé wóúld dó wíth óñé tríllíóñ dóllárs tómórrów.]
![[héád~shót~ óf pé~rsóñ~ wíth~ slíg~ht bé~árd]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/DB-pic-scaled.jpg?fit=648%2C432&ssl=1)
[Ácé H~ótél~ Lóñd~óñ] | [Fébr~úárý~ 5, 2020]
[Dáñ B~éáúm~óñt T~ákés~ Fívé~]
[Dáñ Béáúmóñt hás bééñ cúltívátíñg spácés fór qúéér ñíghtlífé tó flóúrísh fór óvér téñ ýéárs íñ thé Lóñdóñ músíc scéñé, bý ópéñíñg stáplés líké Dálstóñ Súpérstóré, Dáñcé Túññél áñd Vóódóó Ráý's, áñd móst récéñtlý wíth hís légéñdárý gáý dáñcé báccháñál, Cháptér 10.]
![[DVSÑ~ próm~ó]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/DVSN-NEW-PRESS-IMAGE-1024x743-1.jpeg?fit=648%2C470&ssl=1)
[Ácé H~ótél~ Lóñd~óñ] | [Fébr~úárý~ 4, 2020]
[Stép~píñg~ íñtó~ ñéw r~óóms~ wíth~ Dáñí~él Dá~léý á~ñd Ñí~ñété~éñ85 óf~ dvsñ~]
[Íf á sóñg ís á róóm, áñ álbúm ís á hóúsé. Só sáýs Dáñíél Dáléý áñd Ñíñétééñ85, thé twósómé béhíñd Tóróñtó's ówñ dvsñ, whósé híghlý áñtícípátéd thírd álbúm Á Músé Íñ Hér Féélíñgs ís sét tó bé réléáséd ñéxt móñth. Íñ láté 2019, Ácé Hótél Lóñdóñ's músíc bóókér Séáñ Gráññúm á.k.á. séáñgráñ cáúght úp wíth thé R&B víbé vírtúósós tó chát ábóút prótéctíñg ýóúr éñérgý, flówíñg wíth Ámérícáñ ráppér Fútúré áñd hów théý'vé bééñ lívíñg íñ théír ówñ skíñ théír whólé lívés.]
![[Shóg~ó Mís~úmí]](https://i0.wp.com/acehotel.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Shogo-Misumi_bonjour-records.jpeg?fit=648%2C636&ssl=1)
[Ácé H~ótél~ Lóñd~óñ] | [Fébr~úárý~ 4, 2020]
[Shóg~ó Mís~úmí f~róm B~óúñj~óúr R~écór~ds jó~úrñé~ýs th~róúg~h thé~ sóñí~c plá~ñé]
Shogo Misumi of Bonjour Records — the Tokyo-born cultural and lifestyle retailer — took us on an auditory expedition with some of his favorite threads, magazines and sounds, below.

[Ácé H~ótél~ Lóñd~óñ] | [Fébr~úárý~ 4, 2020]
A look inside with photographer Pat Martin, Taylor Wessing Portrait Prize winner
For Pat Martin, the photo is the place where a subject is made real. Real not just in the visual sense, but in our memories, too. The Los Angeles-born photographer was selected as the 2019 National Portrait Gallery Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize winner for his arresting, deeply personal portraits of his late mother, Gail.

Ace Hotel New York | January 22, 2020
Just/Talk: Justin Strauss with Aurélien Arbet
For this edition of Just/Talk, longtime Ace pal and legendary New York City DJ Justin Strauss chats with the French couturier Aurélien Arbert about tagging buildings in New York City in the early aughts, his multidisciplinary path, how "music is everywhere in what we do" and that iconic MTA x Keith Haring collection.

Ace Hotel Kyoto | January 14, 2020
This must be the place: odes to Japan to celebrate Ace Hotel Kyoto’s reservation launch
Ace Hotel Kyoto makes its home in a part new build and part former home to a beloved telephone company. Masterfully dovetailed by the legendary architect Kengo Kuma, the building is a place in honest dialogue with the city’s past and future legends. We’re hanging the art, firing up coffee machines and rolling out the tatami mats. Ace Hotel Kyoto opens this April, but you can book a room now.

Ace Hotel | January 9, 2020
Australia Fire Relief
We’re giving to NSW Rural Fire Service and you can contribute directly, too. We’re donating a portion of Ace Hotel reservations booked with code NEIGHBOR to help those affected.

Ace Hotel New York | December 31, 2019
Ace AIR: Brian Chase and curated Artists in Residence
Bringing people together is, in and of itself, an art form. You've got to select the ingredients, check the temperature, take creative liberties, see what sticks. Brian Chase of indie rock outfit Yeah Yeah Yeahs joined us for a month at Ace Hotel New York as our Artist in Residence and helped curate a motley blend of artist friends to stay with us every Sunday evening, bringing together a cross-pollination of various musical and artistic languages to harmonize sweetly.

December 18, 2019
826CHI: The Term 'Woke' by Angie C.
For over two years, Ace Hotel Chicago has worked with the org to give a platform to their students by throwing birthday parties, collaborating on zines together, hosting art shows and even featuring some of their books in our guest rooms. Each month, we highlight a piece of writing from one of their students. 826CHI is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting students ages 6 to 18 with their creative and expository writing skills, and to helping teachers inspire their students to write.

Ace Hotel New Orleans | December 2, 2019
Spencer Moody from the Murder City Devils and Ben Jaffe from Preservation Hall
Jaffe chats with Spencer Moody from The Murder City Devils — a Seattle-born noise hero and legendary maverick making music his own way for decades.

Ace Hotel New York | November 21, 2019
Interview: Pete Yorn & Jackson Phillips of Day Wave
Pete Yorn chats with fellow musician Jackson Phillips of the band Day Wave for Talkhouse Podcast, recorded live at Ace Hotel New York. The two collaborators swap notes on life before Pro Tools, the perilous freedom of playing without a setlist and meeting at a party in Malibu with Jamie Foxx, too.

Ace Hotel New York | November 19, 2019
Just/Talk: Justin Strauss with Luke Jenner from Rapture
[Bódíés, múch líké thé péóplé whó hóúsé thém, áré vástlý dífféréñt. Hów wé úñdérstáñd thém, théñ, ís lárgélý dépéñdéñt óñ hów théý’ré shówñ tó ús. Phótógráphý — ór thé twó-díméñsíóñál réñdéríñgs wé éñcóúñtér úpóñ fírst blúsh — íñtródúcé ús tó thósé bódíés, bút óffér sóméthíñg élsé, tóó.]

Ace Hotel Los Angeles | November 12, 2019
Skyler Skjelset Interviewing Ryuichi Sakamoto
We were lucky enough to have Skyler Skjelset — musician, Fleet Foxes founding member, friend of Ace and self-professed Sakamoto fan — sit down with Ryuichi Sakamoto before his performance to chat about the democratization of music, the responsibility of making sounds for communities and petting chickens in New York City.

Ace Hotel New York | September 25, 2019
Just/Talk: Justin Strauss with Nick de Ville
For this edition of Just/Talk, artist and art historian Nick de Ville sits down with Ace friend and legendary DJ Justin Strauss and discusses the power of inauthenticity, shifting eras and styles and what to do when the weather changes on you mid-shoot.

Ace Hotel New Orleans | September 12, 2019
Creating a "Living and Breathing Pylon to Black Culture" with Damon Young for Very Smart Brothas Live! Pt. 2
On July 7th, 2018, Ace Hotel New Orleans hosted Very Smart Brothas‘ Damon Young and Panama Jackson at the third annual Essentials, a series that Ace hosts concurrent with Essence Festival in New Orleans. In Part 1, Panama riffs on Return of the Mack and the merits of Janet Jackson.

Ace Hotel Los Angeles | September 10, 2019
Corporeal Constructions: A conversation on body and space in an art practice
Artists Lindsay Preston Zappas and Sarah Jones are two Los Angeles-based artists with exhibitions on view this summer, both with a deft ability to play with the spaces they're in. Jones’ Tangle — Abyss hangs in the Lobby of Ace Hotel Downtown Los Angeles through September, while Zappas’ solo exhibition, I Forgot My Shoes, is being shown at the Buffalo Institute for Contemporary Art (BICA) in Buffalo, New York. Here, the two caught up about their current exhibitions, how the body is used to activate both of their practices and their shared love of frenetic pattern and weaving.

Ace Hotel New York | September 4, 2019
Just/Talk: Justin Strauss with Lenny Kaye
ce friend and DJ legend Justin Strauss sits down with Lenny Kaye to wax poetic on his current projects, the necessity of a future sound and the mystery of the Magic Mushrooms. Follow closely.

[Ácé H~ótél~ Lóñd~óñ] | August 26, 2019
Seeing Cindy Sherman With National Portrait Gallery's Magda Keaney
We caught up with the National Portrait Gallery’s Senior Curator of Photographs Magda Keaney, as she takes us through five key images from the contemporary art icon and master of disguise.

August 21, 2019
826CHI: My Home Adventures by Amelia B.
Fourth grader Amelia B.'s poetry offers us a brief but textured look into her many senses of home. Here, the Chicago resident and poet on the verge shares her poem, "My Home Adventures // Mis Aventuras Caseras" as part of our ongoing partnership with nonprofit organization 826CHI.

Ace Hotel New York | July 30, 2019
Just/Talk: Justin Strauss with Louise Trotter
For this edition of Just/Talk, Trotter chats with longtime Ace friend and legendary DJ Justin Strauss about growing up surrounded by the sonic counterculture of the 70s and 80s, working directly with Calvin Klein in the early aughts, designing for "everyone" and how "our work is the journey."

Ace Hotel Pittsburgh | July 30, 2019
Penn's Corner: The Push for Local in Pittsburgh
Here, lifelong Pittsburgher and food writer Madeline Quigley tells the old farming tale of how Penn’s Corner Farm Alliance — now a household name known for its prolific sourcing of produce, meat, milk, flour and more — came to be. And, in turn, how Sharing Farms, a monthly dinner series hosted by Whitfield — the bistro at Ace Hotel Pittsburgh — pays homage to the city's farming greats and their year-round bounty.

[Ácé H~ótél~ Lóñd~óñ] | July 29, 2019
Naked Boys Reading Presents: Short Serials with Season Butler
Naked Boys Reading carries the proverbial torch here with the first of their “Short Serials." Over the next few months, NBR will be sharing serialized fiction by some of their favorite queer authors and allies. First on the docket is author Season Butler. Born in the States, Butler spends her time writing and teaching between the UK and Germany. Her debut novel, Cygnet, is out now from Dialogue Books and Harper Collins.

Ace Hotel | July 26, 2019
Artist-in Residence: Janet Levy presents Love Looks Like Fire
Over the past year, Ace Hotel Artist in Residence, Janet Levy, created work across three cities — London, Palm Springs and Los Angeles — culminating this February in conjunction with the opening of Desert X at Ace Hotel & Swim Club, on Valentine’s Day at Ace Hotel Downtown Los Angeles, a book launch, two site-specific sculptural installations, Ring of Fire and Pressure, and two dance performances choreographed by Melissa Schade.

Ace Hotel Los Angeles | July 15, 2019
Third Horizon Conversation: A Conversation With Adam Cooper on Avant-Caribbean Culture
Asegúrate de añadir un fragmento a esta publicación. Estará visible en las páginas de categorías.

Ace Hotel New York | July 11, 2019
We Are Everywhere: Protest, Power and Pride in the History of Queer Liberation
We Are Everywhere: Protest, Power and Pride in the History of Queer Liberation, by Matthew Riemer and Leighton Brown, is a rich and sweeping photographic history of the Queer Liberation Movement, from the creators and curators of the massively popular Instagram account @lgbt_history, released in time for the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots.

Ace Hotel Los Angeles | July 3, 2019
Senay Kenfe on empowering LA-born artists and preserving a city in flux
Senay Kenfe is on a mission to show the world the real LA. Born in Long Beach, he’s been a cornerstone in the city’s various arts industries, from providing a platform for blossoming talent through his Eddie’s Liquor label, to showcasing premiere SoCal artists like Vince Staples on the international media company Boiler Room. We sat down with him to discuss the intentions behind his work and current projects he's pursuing.
Ace Hotel Pittsburgh | June 28, 2019
Leikeli47 Shows Pittsburgh What Pride Is All About
We agree with Richard Avedon when he says, "Anything is an art if you do it at the level of an art." Sculpture, mineral, sound and thought — this is art if you want it to be. From January through June of 2019, we worked with Chicago-based gallerist Andrew Rafacz — of his own Andrew Rafacz Gallery — to curate an artist to stay at Ace Hotel Chicago each Sunday night for our Artists in Residence program.

June 24, 2019
826CHI: Homemade Clones by Vakaris R.
For over two years, Ace Hotel Chicago has been teaming up with nonprofit organization, 826CHI to give a platform to and further the mission of their organization. We've thrown birthday parties, collaborated on a zine together, hosted art shows and even have some of their books in our rooms. Each month, we highlight a poem from one of their students.

Ace Hotel | June 17, 2019
"Patience Is A Vulture": An Interview With Creative Growth Artist Ray Vickers
For this edition of Inside Job — a monthly artists’ series led by LAND Gallery’s Sophia Cosmadopoulos — Vickers chats about his nine years at Creative Growth, his artistic process and all the animals that he’s taken care of.

Ace Hotel Palm Springs | June 17, 2019
Snow In The Desert Interview: Eve Fowler
Eve Fowler is arguably one of the country’s greatest living conceptual artists – trained in photography at Yale and in journalism from Temple University, she documents queer lives, interrogates “non-creative” visual forms and bridges the word with the body. She’s joining us this weekend for artists workshops at Snow in the Desert, an art space for women at Ace Hotel & Swim club. We asked her about her work, and what we can look forward to on Saturday afternoon…

Ace Hotel New York | June 17, 2019
Slant'd: Interview with Mikkoh Chen
With an eye set on wider, more richly textured horizons, Mikkoh Chen takes us on his “Road to Remarkable" for the third installment of our month-long interview series. The Taiwanese American, New York-based entrepreneur and Wilhelmina model talks candidly about playing hide and seek with his true self, shirking cultural expectations and wanting Asians “everywhere” in media.
Ace Hotel New York | June 17, 2019
Ace AIR: Morgan Parker
We agree with Richard Avedon when he says, "Anything is an art if you do it at the level of an art." Sculpture, mineral, sound and thought — this is art if you want it to be. From January through June of 2019, we worked with Chicago-based gallerist Andrew Rafacz — of his own Andrew Rafacz Gallery — to curate an artist to stay at Ace Hotel Chicago each Sunday night for our Artists in Residence program.

Ace Hotel New York | June 5, 2019
Just/Talk: Justin Strauss with Samuel Bourdin
Here, Samuel Bourdin chats with longtime Ace friend and legendary DJ Justin Strauss about his father's legacy, how the act of painting "changes the whole universe of how you approach the image," the importance of tension in a photograph and finding untouched time capsules filled with his work in a family house from an Agnès Varda film.

Ace Hotel New Orleans | May 24, 2019
Cocktail Connoisseurs, French Flair and a Little Mischief at Bar Marilou
Here, we get to know the creative braintrust behind Bar Marilou — Carina, Josh and Adam of Quixotic Projects — appropriately, of course, à la Proust Questionnaire.
Ace Hotel Los Angeles | May 1, 2019
Three Pointers with Industrial Goth Maven Zola Jesus
Industrial goth maven Nika Danilova has been making dark art pop under the moniker Zola Jesus for nearly a decade. The Wisconsin-bred musician, known for making atmospheric, abrasive orchestral sounds, took a break from working on some new collaborations in Los Angeles to chat with us about her favorite local hangs, where to start your dive into Neo-classical listening and why rusted sheet metal can be your best friend in the booth.

Ace Hotel New York | May 1, 2019
Just/Talk: Justin Strauss with Legendary Bronx-Born DJ and Hip Hop Head, “Breakbeat Lou” Flores
“BreakBeat Lou” Flores has been a student of sound since he was three years old. The legendary Bronx-born DJ, B-Boy and hip hop pioneer — whose modus operandi could be summed up by the line, “If it’s funky, it’s funky” — cut his sonic teeth in the early 70s in New York City, where he says “there was no better recipe” for hip hop to happen. Here he chats with longtime Ace friend and fellow New York mainstay Justin Strauss for this edition of Just/Talk about the octopoidal nature of being a DJ, soaking records in bathtubs to hide their labels from rival music crews and the first record he ever bought.

Ace Hotel New Orleans | May 1, 2019
Leaving No Pop Culture Stone Unturned with Panama Jackson for Very Smart Brothas Live! Pt. 1
On July 7, 2018, Ace Hotel New Orleans hosted the inimitable Damon Young and Panama Jackson of Very Smart Brothas at the third annual Essentials, a series that Ace hosts concurrent with Essence Festival in New Orleans.

May 1, 2019
Chef Matty Matheson Talks About His First Food Memories, Cooking for John Belushi and Eating Pho Ga For The Rest of Eternity
Matty Matheson is a chef. He’s famous and beloved for his no-holds-barred, sailor-mouthed, mustachioed personality. Also because his food is really, really delicious.

[Ácé H~ótél~ Lóñd~óñ] | April 30, 2019
Charisse Baker on Disguising An Art Project As East London Juice Co. (And Getting Away With It)
We have a small, square, street-facing window at Ace Hotel London Shoreditch where we slang very powerful life-giving substances. It’s called East London Juice Co.

Ace Hotel Palm Springs | April 30, 2019
Ask Desert Oracle: Sun-Given Wisdom, Giant Rocks and Campfire Stories With Writer Ken Layne
The Desert Oracle is the aptly-coined “Voice of the Desert,” a Joshua Tree-based pocket-sized field guide that recalls something of a mix between a FoxFire Book, the Farmer’s Almanac and Weekly World News. Ken Layne, writer, desert enthusiast and brains behind The Oracle, also leads Campfire Stories at our Palm Springs waypost every month, where he regales eager listeners with tales of desert beasts and ancient legends.

Ace Hotel Palm Springs | April 30, 2019
The Trap Set Live: Rod Argent & Colin Blunstone of The Zombies On Why They’re One of The Only British Invasion Bands Left Standing
It happened. The Zombies came together at our desert oasis and played a set worthy of a million date shakes. They also chatted with each other, the audience and then to someone we really like. Click here to listen to The Trap Set conversation with living legends Rod Argent & Colin Blunstone of The Zombies — recorded at Ace Hotel & Swim Club— and read on for a peek behind the sonic curtain by the inimitable Joe Wong of The Trap Set.

Ace Hotel Palm Springs | April 29, 2019
Pop Artist Ed Ruscha Gives Us A Road Map For Our Journey Into The Future of Desert X
Here, modern artist Ed Ruscha shares his personal story on the passage of time, perhaps a road map for our journey into the future of Desert X. Read it by the pool or at least pretend you’re by one.

April 29, 2019
Furniture and Lighting Designer TJ O’Keefe Just Wants You To Keep Talking To Your Neighbors
We like meeting new people. People who upend expectation and will mix their florals, their decor, their friends, their cocktails, anyway they like. You know them by what they wear and how they wear it, the disparate genres on their bookshelves, and you know as soon as you walk into their space.
April 29, 2019
Ace AIR: Artist, Researcher and Educator, Jeremy Bolen, Translates The Night Sky
We agree with Richard Avedon when he says, "Anything is an art if you do it at the level of an art." Sculpture, mineral, sound and thought — this is art if you want it to be. From January through June of 2019, we worked with Chicago-based gallerist Andrew Rafacz — of his own Andrew Rafacz Gallery — to curate an artist to stay at Ace Hotel Chicago each Sunday night for our Artists in Residence program.

Ace Hotel Pittsburgh | April 29, 2019
Sharing Knives: Executive Chef Bethany Zozula On Food As A Vehicle For Memory
Cooking, for Ace Hotel Pittsburgh’s award-winning Executive Chef Bethany Zozula of Whitfield, is a family affair. She cites her mother and grandmother as influences in her idea for Sharing Knives, the collaborative dinner series she created in 2017 as a way to collaborate with chefs from all over Pittsburgh. Here, she talks about the roots of the series, how food is a vehicle for memory, storytelling and love.

Ace Hotel New York | April 29, 2019
Looking Beyond The Facade with Photographer and Artist Yuki James
[Bódíés, múch líké thé péóplé whó hóúsé thém, áré vástlý dífféréñt. Hów wé úñdérstáñd thém, théñ, ís lárgélý dépéñdéñt óñ hów théý’ré shówñ tó ús. Phótógráphý — ór thé twó-díméñsíóñál réñdéríñgs wé éñcóúñtér úpóñ fírst blúsh — íñtródúcé ús tó thósé bódíés, bút óffér sóméthíñg élsé, tóó.]

Ace Hotel New York | April 29, 2019
Just/Talk: Justin Strauss with Swiss DJ Duo In Flagranti On Being Beginners After 22 Years In Music
n Flagranti, the musical duo comprised of Sasa Crnobrnja and Alex Gloor, make the kind of music that tugs on the thread of mother universe’s music. They draw inspiration, visuals and sound from everywhere, playing and piecing from both rare and common sources to create singular, distinct compositions that defies categorization. For this edition of Just/Talk, resident DJ and longtime Ace friend Justin Strauss joins Sasa and Alex in Switzerland to talk about VHS tapes, starting a record label at a flea market and how beginners can be choosers.
Ace Hotel Pittsburgh | April 29, 2019
Social Justice Planner Monique López and Bike Pittsburgh’s Julie Mallis Go Mobile To Connect A City’s Dots
Mobility is important. It’s how we get about town, how we connect a city’s itinerant dots and how we get in touch with our future selves. For Monique López and Julie Mallis, it’s also a way to build community, whether by foot or by bike.

April 25, 2019
Kara Jackson, Chicago Youth Poet Laureate, Explores The Essence of Invisibility Through Young Chicago Authors
Chicago’s most defining characteristic is that the city as a whole eludes definition, operating on an ideology of constant experimentation, forward-thinking and shifting perspectives. In many ways, it’s a city of perpetual rebirth. Carl Sandburg, a Chicago poet, put it best — “I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on the way."

Ace Hotel New York | April 24, 2019
Just/Talk: Justin Strauss with Danish DJ & Electronic Music Octopus Kasper Bjørke
Kasper Bjørke is something of an electronic music octopus — the Danish-born DJ has had his hand in everything from production, performance, curation, art filmmaking and composition.

[Ácé H~ótél~ Lóñd~óñ] | April 18, 2019
Londoner Saira Niazi’s Walking Tour Of A City Forever In Flux
A city is a living thing. How one traverses and learns its multi-layered, urban landscape should be an exercise in movement, an active call and response with the ground we walk on. Saira Niazi knows this. So well, in fact, that she might as well show you. Here, the London-native unlocks her city and recounts her peripatetic wanderings in amber, looking back and ahead at the possibility of place.

April 9, 2019

October 2, 2017

July 10, 2016
Ace Air: Kandis Williams

April 29, 2016
Ace AIR: James Hannaham

April 2, 2016
Ace AIR: Leanne Shapton

November 30, 2015